New Products

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Thrombin Generation now available in laboratories

The new ST Genesia analyser is designed to automate and standardise results for Thrombin Generation. For laboratories, this is a significant step forward for assisting with assessment of thrombotic and haemorrhagic risks in patients.

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Connect.One by Stago: Secure connection in One step

Digitisation has revolutionised connectivity by increasing productivity and improving lab efficiency like never before.

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Stago proposes a solution for diagnosing Von Willebrand disease: STA-VWF:RCo*

Von Willebrand disease is a bleeding disorder resulting from a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of the von Willebrand factor (VWF).

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STA Compact Max 3: Increasing your lab efficiency

The Stago Max Generation analyser family continues to advance with the launch of the STA Compact Max 3, offering significant performance improvements and adding the Expert Pre-analytical Check (EPC) module.

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My Expert QC, a new web application for comparing internal quality controls

Following on from its internal and external quality controls (My Daily QC and My Qualiris QC, respectively), Stago has supplemented its quality control offer by launching My Expert QC, a connected platform dedicated solely to the external comparison of quality controls.

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