New Products

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New Thrombo-Aggregometer for Simplified Platelet Function Testing!

Best in class, compact, easy-to-use, reliable and connectable, the TA 4-V3 or TA 8-V3 Thrombo-Aggregometer is a valuable choice for platelet function testing.

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Microvesicles analysis: expand the limits!

Standardized and compliant with international guidelines, CY-QUANT MV-TF Activity is the newborn in the range of microvesicles testing from Stago. 

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A new chapter in Stago's history

Designed and developed to be the perfect balance between innovation and coagulation expertise, Stago creates a new range of coagulation instruments: sthemO.

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My Personal Space: Your new customer area, now available!

For over 10 years, you have had access to your own special Customer area. As part of our desire to bring you more digital services, Stago is now launching My Personal Space, a new customer portal tailored to your new needs.

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5B9 Monoclonal Antibody kits are available in stock to order

5B9 is a monoclonal antibody that fully mimics the effects of human Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) antibodies [1]:

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