Career Prospects

32% of permanent contract vacancies were filled by internal mobility.

Whether to change team or business, move to another site, or take on more responsibilities, internal mobility reinforces the fruitful collaboration between the company and its employees:

  • on the one hand, Stago capitalizes on its talents and retains its know-how,
  • and on the other hand, the employee expands his competencies and versatility, while moving up in a known environment.

Internal mobility is simplified by the employee’s efficiency, the experience acquired and their personal motivation to develop new skills.

As a strongly growing company, with over 50 job creations among the 155 permanent-contract recruitments, Stago offers varied career paths in different businesses.

New job offers are regularly published with emphasis on internal posting.  Employees can consult them directly and there is a mobility charter and practical fact sheets to assist them.

Alexandre A, Technical Customer Support Officer, Asnières sur Seine – France

"I joined Stago in 2000 as Quality Control Technician at Franconville. In 2003, I moved to the Evaluation Laboratory. After five years in that job, I felt like a change. Human Resources offered me the job of Technical Adviser to Clients on the France Hotline.  I saw that as a way of doing a different job and broadening my horizons by the relationship with the client. I still have a lot to learn but I know that, thanks to this experience, I can move to being an Application Specialist in a few years’ time.

Stago makes great efforts to encourage internal mobility and puts job vacancies around on the Intranet site. You shouldn’t hesitate to consult it regularly and contact Human Resources; they’re always ready to guide you."